1. I can ride a horse better than Karen.<br>2.(這題題目是否有打錯?)以下為個人推測的正確答案:<br>   This dress looks better than that one.<br>3. My new backpack is cheaper than his.<br>4. This car runs faster than that one.<br>5. My choice was better than hers. <br>(為了符合用比較級造句,但感覺沒有什麼邏輯= =)<br>6. The harder you work, the more money you'll make.<br>7. The red sofa is not as comfortable as the brown one.(這題如果用比較級改有點怪<br>-->The red sofa isn't more comfortable than the brown sofa. 怪怪的<br>8. I am getting more and more weight.<br>9. This Rolex cost me the most.<br>10. You are the most wonderful friend I've ever had.<br>11. Henry's room is the smallest of all three rooms.<br>12. The new menu has more pages than the old one.<br>13. I did as well as Nick on the test. (一樣不知如何比較= =)<br>14. The shorter the waiting list is, the faster the service is.<br>15. The restaurant is getting more and more crowded.<br>16. Nina is the most beautiful girl in the class.<br>17. Fred is the most responsible worker in the office.<br>18. You are the most interesting person I've ever met.(提示是否有錯?)<br>      </p>
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